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JAMIE DORNAN und AMELIA WARNER gehen mit ihrem Baby in Dublin spazieren - NON EXCLUSIVE PICTURE: MATRIXPICTURES.CO.UK PLEASE CREDIT ALL USES WORLD RIGHTS EXCEPT IRELAND Northern Irish actor Jamie Dornan is spotted with his wife, English actress Amelia Warner and their baby daughter, as they arrive back at The Double Tree Hotel after a walk in the park, in Dublin, Ireland. The "Fifty Shades of Grey" actor was in town to take his family to last nights Irish Film & Television Awards. APRIL 6th 2014 REF: MDE 141709

JAMIE DORNAN und AMELIA WARNER gehen mit ihrem Baby in Dublin spazieren – NON EXCLUSIVE PICTURE: MATRIXPICTURES.CO.UK PLEASE CREDIT ALL USES WORLD RIGHTS EXCEPT IRELAND Northern Irish actor Jamie Dornan is spotted with his wife, English actress Amelia Warner and their baby daughter, as they arrive back at The Double Tree Hotel after a walk in the park, in Dublin, Ireland. The “Fifty Shades of Grey” actor was in town to take his family to last nights Irish Film & Television Awards. APRIL 6th 2014 REF: MDE 141709

Tam bir aile babası. İngiliz aktris Amelia Warner ile evlenen Jamie Dornan’ın aynı zamanda bir kızı da var. Karısını kıskandığımızı söylememize gerek var mı?